Saturday, July 10, 2010

Notebook Routines

{Some miscellany from the four notebooks.  I didn't fill four notebooks, but I wrote in each of them at something akin to random, so my notes are non-sequential in all of them.}


I'm no moral compass, but I am what you might call a moral traffic signal. Too close to the edge and I'm right here to remind you of all the good things you still got.


Amazed, she says, "I just give you the address and away you go."

Yup, that's me.  Headlong forward until I fall.


Ubek biti tu ćuprija.


[from the Višegrad trek:]

Thoughts went swimmingly adrift... a sinking thought into the depths: was there arsenic in the sugar bowl?


[from the Višegrad trek:]

I remember the rain on metal and terra cotta while the Pixies play ''Cactus'' in my head.


I saw her aspects.


Fortunately, it's a rare fetish... for Islamic girls in leather jackets.


"The greatest creation in human history is the bridge."

"The bridge does not ask who crosses it."

~Matija Bećković, 3.VI.2000+10

When you come to any city
and to any city one usually comes very late
When you come to any city . . .
you will take the road you had to take
which before you did not exist
but was born with you
To take your own road
and meet the one you had to meet
on the road you had to take.


There's nothing to say about Srebrenica, you just have to go there.


Now there's a Bridge between us
What once was lost is found
And I have been a witness
When you walked on sacred ground
How long will you remember
Awake on that Rumi morn'?
''Come in.'' I said, ''I'll give you
Shelter from the Storm.''

~(Sıdıka Vuković)


She was filled with velvet & violence.


I need to write this.  To nail my demons to the page.


Generosity has allowed this journey to Serbia and Sarajevo.  I am grateful for this opportunity to experience this learning.  Thank you...


A single tiny light struggling against
encroaching darkness forever.



Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata.
Speak of the devil and he is bound to appear.

Krv nije voda.
Blood is thicker than water.

Niko ne zna šta nosi jutro ašta već.
No one knows what will happen to him before sunset.

Tiha voda breg roni.
Still water runs deep.

Raj na zemlji.

Heaven on earth.

Rajski vrt.
Garden of Eden.


Antik Electronics.


The gunmetal day triggered a bullet-black night.


The confluence is not stagnant, it's just flowing underground.


This was a bridge between us.
There is a bridge between us.
The Bridge Will Always Be There.


You can talk of Free Will, but we are all really just homing pigeons in the end.


Guy walks into a auto parts garage.
''I'd like an ashtray for my Yugo.''
The mechanic replies, ''Sounds like a fair trade.''


After the triumphs of last night come the failures of this morning.


Evil lives where fear dwells.  Without fear, evil can never find purchase.




''Are you going to or coming from?''


[to a vocal atheist:]

If there is no god, is there at least a pattern-making demiurge?

[quoting Anthony Burgess]


More mi misli.

I am haunted by thoughts.


I have breathed the ash of Treblenkan flesh,
—danced counting upon bonepiles in the the Khmer Rouge jungle heat
—painted myself a war mask from the flow of blood after Srebrenica
—held a thousand machet'd hands in Nyarubuye
I would that Ruman and Gabriel scorch those rotten Lowland souls who would stand aside to watch...


Poor English translation on multi-language sign:

Museum of Naive Art.


The field is a sea of green clover and grass blown by winds in waves crested with red flowers named from the blood of fallen martyrs.


Her hair is the color of Coca-Cola foam.


[Sıdıka to an outside bartender as the thunderstorm breaks:]

 ''Is the rain dampening your spirits?''


 You have to understand from the outset—and perhaps remind yourself several times throughout—that the only way this can be written and studied critically, and ultimately understood to any degree at all is that I (you, and anyone), as needs must, turn off empathy and emotion... the pathos must defer to the logos to assess and analyze.  As for the ethos, well, ethics of another culture, another way of living day by day, is so arbitrary to any other.  However much we—you, I, them, the other people—wish to pass Judgment on others in order to carry out our constructed sense of Justice, which is a figment in the most stable of realms, let alone in the mythic seething cauldron among the Balkans... we quickly find that Justice is abitrarily different when applied others than if would would have it befall for our own misdeeds.


This is what happens when religions collide.


It's a beautiful sadness...


I like politics, but I don't like politicians.


Menu = a map of the food.


The devil comes dressed in beautiful robes.


Curiosity is a boundary between love and fear.


Go upriver to where the tunnel hides the road.  Pass over the tunnel and make way to the bastion...


''He who ruins bridges ruins himself.''
~Sarajevan boy's picture of a bridge
found among the rubble
of a bombed school building.


A verbal reciept was my only conclusion.


''If ideologies are techtonic plates, Sarajevo is on a mjor fault line.''

 ''Islam never had its French Revolution.''

~Pedja Kojović


Holiday Greetings You'll Never Hear:
Happy Holocaust Day!


That dude has a copy & paste personality.


Dig deep or go home.


There is a fine line between comedy and vomit.


''I'm a pre-ex-feminist.''


''Don't be so irromantic.''


''If you are going to write about this, your heart needs to be large enough to hold the grief.''



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